Academic Recovery

TSC is dedicated to providing students with a high-quality education in a supportive environment. Academic Recovery communicates the College's minimum expectations of academic progress.

Good Academic Standing is as follows:

  • Students with 1-14 credit hours: 1.75 GPA or higher
  • Students with 15+ or more credit hours: 2.0 GPA or higher

*Students receiving financial aid must also maintain a 67% completion rate of all courses attempted.  The Office of Financial Aid has a separate appeal process for students who fall below the Standards of Academic Progress and completion requirements.  

Academic Recovery

Failure to meet Good Academic Standing will result in one of the following Academic Recovery statuses.

Academic Alert

Your first semester below Good Standing will result in Academic Alert:

  • You will be required to complete the Academic Recovery Canvas course available in Workday.
  • You will be required to complete an online DocuSign form, "Academic Intervention Plan."  This form will be emailed to you after grades & academic status are posted. 
  • You will be limited to no more than 13 credit hours.
  • You are strongly encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor in the Advising Center.
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the Learning Commons for course assistance.
  • "Academic Alert” will be posted to your permanent transcript.

Academic Notice

Your second consecutive semester below Good Standing will result in an Academic Notice:

  • You will be required to complete an online DocuSign form ASAP-Academic Success Action Plan.  This form will be emailed to you after grades & academic status are posted.
  • You will be limited to no more than nine credit hours until your cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0.
  • You are strongly encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor.
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the Learning Commons for course assistance.
  • “Academic Notice” will be posted to your permanent transcript.

Academic Suspension

Your third consecutive semester below Good Standing will result in Academic Suspension:

  • Enrollment will be suspended for one full semester (e.g., Fall, Spring, or Summer).
    • Before returning from Suspension, you must complete and submit the online DocuSign form  "ASAP-Academic Success Action Plan" before the term for which you want to return to TSC (see below).
  • You are required to meet with an assigned Academic Advisor upon returning to TSC.
  • You will be limited to no more than nine credit hours upon return until your cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0.
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the Learning Commons for course assistance.
  • “ Academic Suspension” will be posted to your permanent transcript.

Academic Dismissal

Your fourth consecutive semester below Good Standing will result in Academic Dismissal:

  • Enrollment into TSC will be suspended for a minimum of one calendar year (12 months)
    • After completing the academic dismissal, you must complete and submit the online DocuSign form "ASAP-Academic Success Action Plan" before the term for which you want to return to TSC (see below)
  • You are required to apply for re-admission to TSC.
  • You are required to meet with an assigned Academic Advisor upon returning to TSC (see below)
  • You will be limited to no more than nine credit hours upon return until your cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the Learning Commons for course assistance.
  • “Academic Dismissal” will be posted to your permanent transcript.


Academic Recovery FAQs

When am I required to file an Academic Suspension/Dismissal packet?

If you were Academically Suspended or Dismissed, and wish to be eligible to return early, you may submit an Online Academic Suspension-Dismissal  Packet for committee review.  The Online Academic Suspension-Dismissal Packet must be submitted via DocuSign in Workday by the deadline listed below. No late forms will be accepted.

How to submit an Academic Suspension/Dismissal appeal packet?

The Online Academic Suspension-Dismissal Packet must be submitted via DocuSign in Workday by the deadline listed below. No late forms will be accepted.

  • Sign in to Workday
  • Click on Academic and Advising Hub
  • Scroll on the left menu to Click on TSC College Forms
  • Click on Submit New Form
  • Scroll down to Advising & click on Academic Suspension/Dismissal Packet
  • Complete & Submit.  You will receive a copy of the form after the committee has made a decision

what happens when the Committee makes a decision?

If approved, you will receive a copy of the committee's decision via DocuSign in the TSC email & must:

  • Complete the online DocuSign form ASAP-Academic Success Action Plan in Workday
  • Meet with an assigned Career and Academic Advisor (via appointment, EagleQ, or walk-in) before you can register for classes

You will receive a copy of the committee's decision via DocuSign in the TSC email if it is not approved. Full sanctions will apply, and you must sit out the required period.

How to register for classes after Suspension?

In order to be eligible to register after the academic suspension, students must:

  • Complete and submit an Academic Success Action Plan via DocuSign, 
  • Meet with an academic advisor (via appointmentEagleQ, or walk-in) to develop an Academic Success Action Plan

If a student has not attended TSC for two semesters since Suspension, the student must:

  • Apply for re-admission & may contact their Admissions Navigator in Admission & Records
  • Complete and submit an online Docusign form ASAP-Academic Success Action Plan in Workday 
  • Meet with an academic advisor (via appointmentEagleQ, or walk-in) to develop an Academic Success Action Plan.

How to register for classes after Dismissal?

In order to be eligible to register after the academic dismissal, students must:

  • Apply for re-admission & may contact their Admissions Navigator in Admission & Records
  • Complete and submit an Academic Success Action Plan via DocuSign in Workday,
  • Meet with an academic advisor (via appointmentEagleQ, or walk-in) to develop an Academic Success Action Plan

How to Submit an Academic Success Action Plan

  • Sign in to Workday
  • Click on Apps
  • Click on TSC College Forms
  • Click on Submit New Form 
  • Click on ASAP "Academic Success Action Plan"
  • Complete and Submit
  • Meet with Academic Advisor  (via appointmentEagleQ, or walk-in)


Deadlines to File Academic Suspension-Dismissal Appeal Packet 

Fall 2024

For Academic Suspension/Dismissal after the Summer 2024 semester, submit an Appeal Request on or before:

  • Noon on 8/14/24
  • Appeals submitted after 12 noon on 8/14/2024 will be considered for Spring 2025

Spring 2025

For Academic Suspension or Dismissal after the Fall 2024 semester, submit an Appeal Request to return in Spring 2025, on or before:

  • Noon on 1/06/2025
  • Appeals submitted after 12 noon on 1/06/2025 will be considered for Summer 2025

Summer 2025

For Academic Suspension or Dismissal after Spring 2025 semester, submit an Appeal Request to return Fall 2025, on or before:

  • Noon on 5/06/2025
  • Appeals submitted after 12 noon on 5/06/2025 will be considered for Fall 2025

Students' Perspectives on Academic Recovery

*The stories describe the experiences of past students in the academic warning & probation process at TSC. We are sharing them as part of our effort to help students navigate the academic probation process more effectively.

“I was very busy one semester keeping up with class, work, and family responsibilities. My grades tanked. Still, the probation letter was a shock. I hadn’t thought much about the probation policy before, so I didn’t realize I had let my grades get so out of hand. I was ashamed and embarrassed at first. How did I let this happen? After talking with my associate dean, I felt a little better. Eventually, I saw that probation is TSC’s way of making sure that everyone is doing okay. I can understand that, and I’m glad this process is there for students when we need it. This experience increased my awareness of policies and expectations, but it also connected me with mentors who helped me figure out how to manage my schedule. I ended up taking a leave of absence for a semester, and that helped me get back on track. Graduation is around the corner, and I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished at TSC.”

 “My sophomore year, I was struggling with some mental health issues. I felt like I was barely holding it together. I couldn’t focus on my studies, so probation didn’t come as a surprise. But it did help me realize that I didn’t know how to deal with everything, so I reached out for some guidance from people around me including at the Learning Commons and from the counselors in the Mental Health Center. They helped me learn how to manage my mental health better—to take care of myself and get support when I need it. I still struggle sometimes, but overall I’m doing better mentally and academically now, and I’ve learned how to deal with stress and hard times more effective when they come up.”

 “Coming to TSC hit me like a ton of bricks. I’d done well in high school but I just wasn’t prepared for the way college works, how much reading some professors assign, or the fancy language some people use. When I ended up on probation, I felt like a failure, like I didn’t belong. After a while, I realized that probation didn’t define me as a person or limit my potential as a student. Yes, I struggled, but it wasn’t that I couldn’t do the work. I needed to learn how to do college. It took some time, but I made an effort to take advantage of as many resources as I could: I met with my advisor, used course forgiveness, and started spending more time at the library. Now, I’m on track to graduate and I know that I deserve to be here just as much as anyone else.”