Students sitting at desks during class.

Office of Student Conduct

About Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct promotes responsible decision-making, student-centered learning, ethical and moral development, and accountability. We work with the college’s values: innovation, diversity, excellence, access, and success. The college expects students to behave in a manner that supports these principles.

Our Purpose is to preserve academic integrity and the safety, health, welfare, and well-being of the College and its visitors. We foster, promote, and support the ethical and moral development of students.

We Value:

  • Student Learning
  • Ethical and Moral Development
  • Accountability

Conduct Process

The Student Code of Conduct describes behavior that violates the principles, goals, and mission of the TSC. Review the Student Code of Conduct here.

Steps of the Conduct Process

1: Notice of Allegations

A notice of alleged violation(s) is the document that a student or student group will receive if they have allegedly violated the Student Conduct Code. This notice will include the date, time, and location to attend an information session to discuss the alleged violations and the student conduct process.

2: Information Session

An information session is an informal meeting with a representative from the Office of Student Conduct who will explain to the respondent or complainant their rights, discuss hearing options, and answer any questions. It is NOT a hearing, but an opportunity for a respondent or complainant to become more informed of the conduct process.

3: Resolution Options

Informal Hearing- The student chooses to accept responsibility for the alleged charge as presented, and other processes may be better than formal disciplinary action.

Formal Hearing- The student does not choose to accept responsibility and could potentially have disciplinary proceedings.

Student Conduct Information

Report a Violation

Disclosure Form

Behavior Intervention

Be Advised: Hazing

Students walking on campus on a sunny day

Report a Violation

Make all referrals to the Student Office within a reasonable time following the discovery of the alleged violation. Submit a referral no later than 90 calendar days after the discovery, except in extraordinary cases. A student, faculty member, College Police personnel, staff member, office personnel, or interested party to the college can start a referral. The Conduct Officer may request information about prior misconduct of the student from the College Police and other appropriate persons or offices.

A written correspondence to a student, which states that a referral has been made and informs the student of an opportunity for a meeting, will be sent to the student’s college E-mail. If the student chooses not to attend, the student waives their right to an information session.

Submit Student Behavior Incident Report
Students walking on campus on a sunny day

Disclosure Form

TSC is committed to treating those with a criminal or disciplinary history with dignity and respect. We believe in the value of second chances and the impact education can have on economic and social mobility. All students with prior legal and/or educational discipline violations must provide this information on the TSC admission application.

If you are a new, re-enrolling, or transfer student who answered "yes" to having a criminal and/or disciplinary background on the general TSC application, you must complete this form.

Complete Disclosure Form
Students walking on campus on a sunny day

Behavior Intervention

The Behavioral Intervention Team uses a proactive, objective, and collaborative approach to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with students, faculty, staff, and visitors exhibiting concerning behaviors.

Connect with BIT
Students walking on campus on a sunny day

Be Advised: Hazing

The TSC Student Code of Conduct defines hazing as an act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, to initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization.

Hazing is not tolerated at TSC, and any act of hazing is grounds for immediate suspension. Your safety as a student is of the utmost importance. If you have been hazed or know of another student who has fallen victim to hazing, please notify the Student Conduct Office and/or the TSC Police Department.

Students walking on campus on a sunny day


Student FAQs

I received an email that states a Notice of Charge letter from the Office of Student Conduct, what does this mean and what should I do?

This letter is a notice that our office was informed about an alleged violation of the Code of Conduct. Once you read your letter, please contact us at or (850) 201-8477 to confirm your availability.

What is an Information Session?

An information session is a time for you to meet with a representative from the Department of Student Conduct to:

  1. Review the materials that were submitted to our office.
  2. Review your rights as a student.
  3. Have the student conduct process explained to you.
  4. Select a hearing body to have your case resolved, unless the hearing body is pre-selected.
  5. Have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

This incident happened off campus. Why is the university involved?

The university has an interest in maintaining a safe community and appropriate standards of conduct for its students. This includes both on-campus and off-campus behavior, which can have an impact on the university community and the university mission.

Why do I have a disciplinary hold on my account?

The Office of Student Conduct may place a hold on your college records and registration if you have an outstanding case. This may mean that you have been charged with an alleged violation of the Student Conduct Code but have not responded to our office to initiate the process, that you have not picked up your decision letter, that you have a prior criminal background, or that you have incomplete sanctions. While these are the most common reasons for disciplinary holds, there are various other reasons a hold can be placed on a student’s account. Your hold will not be lifted until you contact our office and resolve the situation.

Why do I have to go through this process if I did not do anything wrong?

Students must abide by the Student Handbook and the Code of Conduct at Tallahassee State College. If a report has been received by the Office of Student Conduct stating that you allegedly violated the Student Conduct Code, the matter will need to be addressed. The conduct process allows us to address the allegation. Remember, cases are not decided before they are heard. The hearing allows you to present your side of the story and respond to the charges.

What sanctions will I receive?

Each case is treated individually; therefore, sanctions will vary from case to case. Sanctioning is to educate students while holding them accountable for policies and decision-making. Sanctions are determined based on the severity of the charge(s), student conduct history (if any), developmental needs, and the Student Conduct Code.

I have been called as a witness in a disciplinary hearing. What does this mean?

Witnesses are called to provide testimony regarding student disciplinary cases. Individuals called as witnesses will be asked to briefly describe their involvement in the situation. They may be asked questions by both the hearing officer and the charged student. Individuals serving as witnesses are vital to a thorough and fair hearing process for all parties involved. Due to the nature of the hearing procedures, witnesses may be required to attend the hearing for a lengthy period of time. This will depend on the number of people involved and the extent of information available.


Faculty FAQs

What information should I include in a report?

Submit an incident report of the incident and include your name, the full name of the student who is allegedly involved, and any witnesses to the incident (if necessary). Also include the date, time, and location along with specific details of the event, including direct observations and quotes.

What happens after the report is submitted?

The Office of Student Conduct will review the report to decide whether or not Student Conduct Code violations are involved. If so, the student will be sent a Student Conduct Charge letter addressing the Student Conduct code violations and will be notified on how to proceed. The Office of Student Conduct might also contact the faculty or staff member who reported the incident to ask questions about the incident and to clarify information.

What if I want to send an FYI and not officially submit a report for disciplinary actions?

When submitting the incident report, ensure that you include at the beginning or end of the report that it is an FYI and that you are submitting this for our information only and not disciplinary measures.

How do I find out what happens to the student after s/he is reported to Student Rights and Responsibilities?

Our office cannot provide information unless the student grants authorization, or unless the information is provided to a victim of endangerment, harassment, or sexual misconduct. There may also be instances when the staff or faculty member is in a “need to know” position, and the information can be conveyed. For example, if a student has been suspended from the college as a result of the sanction for a violation, then the Academic Dean and the student’s instructors would be notified. All Student Conduct matters are educational records and are protected under FERPA.

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Student Union Suite 172