How To Participate

Your Work is Awesome. Share It!

The Undergraduate Research Program welcomes students to submit all kinds of academic and creative work for inclusion in our annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, including:

  • Research Papers
  • Laboratory Experiments
  • Creative Performances
  • Visual Artwork
  • Films
  • Independent Study Projects

Participation in the symposium is competitive, and students must submit abstract, or brief summary, of their work for consideration. An interdisciplinary committee will review the abstracts submitted for inclusion in the annual symposium. Students who are selected qualify to present their projects at the annual symposium and compete for cash prizes.

How to Participate

1. Find a TSC Faculty Sponsor

Role of TSC Faculty Sponsor

Before submitting your project's abstract for consideration, you'll first need to have a faculty advisor. You'll need to provide us with your faculty advisor's name and TSC email address when you submit your abstract. If you completed your project for a class, you should start by asking the professor for that class to serve as your advisor. Alternatively, you could ask another professor you've worked with to serve as your advisor. Or, you could contact us at to have a faculty advisor assigned to you.

2. Choose Your Presentation Style 

Choose one of six format options to submit your presentation:

Oral Presentation 

Delivered in-person with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation

Oral Presentation Guidelines

Poster Presentation Session 

Text and graphics on a 42″ (wide) x 36″ (tall) poster board to present your research individually or in a group

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Performing Arts Presentation

Music, dance, theatre, film, and creative writing

Performing Arts Guidelines

Visual Arts Presentation

Drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, jewelry, and mixed media

Visual Arts Guidelines

3-Minute Video
(Virtual Option)

This is the only virtual option

3-Minute Video Guidelines

3. Prepare & Submit Your Abstract

Submit Your Abstract

Abstracts due February 12, 2025

Abstract Submission Form

Click here for instructions for creating an Oxford Abstracts account and submitting your abstract.


Your abstract is a short description (150 words) of what you did and learned from your research project. Think of it like a movie trailer. It should leave the reader eager to learn more but knowledgeable enough to grasp the scope of your work.  It should be interesting, informative, and written for a broad audience.  Don’t assume the reader knows why your work is significant.

Students must submit, in the form below, a one-page typed abstract (150-word limit)

Abstract Title (LIMITED TO 15 WORDS)
The title of your abstract should describe what your project is about. Titles are about 10 to 15 words long. It is important to use language that a layperson can understand.  Avoid using jargon.  The title should not be too vague or too broad. It should indicate what was studied, not the results or conclusions.

Example: “Gender Differences in the Expression of Depression by Early Adolescent Children of Alcoholics.”

Abstract Content (LIMITED TO 150 WORDS)

  • Introduction: (1-3 sentences)
    • Explicitly state what the project investigated (for example, the purpose of the study)
    • Explicitly state why it is important (for example, the study's rationale)—practical value or application and meaning to the real world, justifies the need (answers the “so what?” question)
      • Example: The purpose of this study was to explore whether there are significant differences in White racial identity attitudes between white students who have lived with Black roommates and those who lack such interaction. While understanding the differences in racial identity attitudes are important factors in anti-racism interventions, little information is currently known.
  • Body: (1-3 sentences)
    • Summarize how you did your project (for example, the study's methods)
      • Describe the subjects and how many participated
      • Describe the most important physical steps (methods) used to investigate the problem (for example, how data was collected)
      • Example: The survey consisted of five multiple-choice questions and ten questions the respondents had to answer with a seven-point Likert scale. The aim was to survey 350 students enrolled at TSC. Participants were given five minutes to complete the survey anonymously, and 408 customers responded. Because not all surveys were fully completed, 371 survey results were included in the analysis.
      • Example: Analyzed three novels, completed a series of five oil paintings, interviewed 17 students, etc.
    • Describe the anticipated results (or actual results if you have them)
  • Results and Conclusion: (1-3 sentences)

NOTE: Any errors in the submitted abstract will also appear in the Undergraduate Research Symposium program and abstract booklet.

When the Undergraduate Research Council receives the abstract and confirms faculty advisor approval, it will forward the abstract to a panel of faculty reviewers for evaluation based on the criteria and standards specific to the academic category.

4: Share Submissions

Students selected to participate in the Poster, 3-Minute Thesis, or Oral Presentation categories of the annual symposium are required to submit their digital poster file, 3-minute thesis video, or oral presentation slides prior to the symposium. Additional information will be sent to selected presenters via TSC email.


Submit Your Abstract Abstract due February 12, 2025



Students participating in the Undergraduate Research Symposium are encouraged to attend one or more workshops to prepare for the event. 

Upcoming Workshops

Workshop Date Location
Fall Information Session Oct 22, 2:00 P.M. LB 251 or Zoom link
Writing an Abstract Oct 29, 2:00 P.M. LB 251 or Zoom link
Spring Information Session Jan 23, 2:00 P.M. LB 251 or Zoom link
Writing an Abstract Jan 28, TBA LB 251 or Zoom link
Writing an Abstract Feb 4, TBA LB 251 or Zoom link
Creating a Research Poster Feb 25, TBA LB 251 or Zoom link
3 Minute Video Tools Feb 27, TBA LB 251 or Zoom link
Creating a Research Poster Mar 4, TBA LB 251 or Zoom link
Pre-Symposium Q&A Mar 18, TBA LB 251 or Zoom link

Recorded Sessions

Workshop Title Recording 
How to Research a Topic


Creating a Literature Review


How to Submit an Abstract


Writing an Abstract 


3-Minute Video Tools 


Creating a Research Poster 
